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Friday, February 6, 2009

A Bookless Signing

by Richard Eldredge
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Leave it to inimitable Atlanta columnist and playwright Topher Payne to stage a first during Thursday night’s book signing at Wordsmith’s in Decatur.

“What’s that saying about when life gives you lemons?” Payne explained to Buzz. “I’m considering it the ultimate going green book signing.”

Payne’s in-store event for “Necessary Luxuries,” a new collection of his popular David magazine columns, had to soldier on without the actual books Thursday, because of an error in shipping from his publisher.

Instead, Payne read selections and took advance orders for future books. Local act the Wayne Fishell Experiment banged out some original tunes for attendees.

Thankfully, Payne is having better luck with the infinite supplies of the audio version of the tome, which is raking in some nice coin for the author via customer downloads on iTunes.